
Tappenkarsee 2, 5603 Kleinarl 47.1846267290346,13.3161914348602 Phone: +43 670 3062060 Show on Google map

Distances are approximate and calculated using online tools. For a more precise location, open the map.
Distances to:
  • Lake: 1m
Distances are approximate and calculated using online tools. For a more precise location, open the map.

Availability at Tappenkarseehütte

twin with running hot/cold water
MAX 2 1 bedroom 2 beds
twin with running hot/cold water
5-bed-roo, with running hot/cold water
MAX 16 1 bedroom 5 beds + 11 extra beds
5-bed-roo, with running hot/cold water
4-bed-room with running hot/cold water
MAX 4 1 bedroom 4 beds
4-bed-room with running hot/cold water

Amenities of Tappenkarseehütte

  • Heated ski room
  • Map of Tappenkarseehütte
