General Location:
Otok Rab, also known as the Island of Rab, is located in the northern part of the Adriatic Sea, off the coast of Croatia. This picturesque island is known for its stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and rich history dating back to Roman times.

For Families:
Families visiting Otok Rab during the summer months can enjoy a wide range of activities such as swimming, snorkeling, and exploring the historic town of Rab. The island offers family-friendly accommodations, restaurants, and entertainment options.

For Groups of Friends:
Groups of friends looking for a fun and adventurous holiday destination will find Otok Rab to be the perfect choice. From water sports to beach parties, the island offers a vibrant nightlife scene and plenty of opportunities for group activities.

For Couples:
Couples seeking a romantic getaway will fall in love with the charm of Otok Rab. With its secluded beaches, intimate restaurants, and breathtaking sunsets, the island provides the ideal setting for a romantic escape.

During the winter months, Otok Rab transforms into a peaceful retreat for those seeking a quiet and relaxing holiday. The island's cozy accommodations, spa facilities, and winter activities such as hiking and cycling make it an ideal destination for a winter getaway.

Best Months to Travel:
The best months to visit Otok Rab are from May to September when the weather is warm and sunny, perfect for enjoying the beaches and outdoor activities. For those looking for a quieter experience, the winter months of December to February offer a peaceful escape.

Popular Restaurants and Bars:
Within a 5 km range from the geocode provided, some of the best restaurants and bars on Otok Rab include Restaurant Nada, offering traditional Croatian cuisine, and Bar Plaža, known for its refreshing cocktails and stunning sea views.

Every year, Otok Rab hosts the Rab Summer Festival, a series of cultural events, concerts, and performances that showcase the island's rich heritage and vibrant arts scene. Visitors can also enjoy the Rab Medieval Festival, a historical reenactment of the island's medieval past.

For families looking for a fun-filled holiday, couples seeking a romantic escape, or groups of friends in search of adventure, Otok Rab is the perfect destination. With its beautiful beaches, rich history, and diverse range of activities, this island offers something for everyone and is a must-visit at least once in a lifetime.

General information

Min. altitude: m
Max. altitude: m


Direct bus from railway station
Direct shuttle from railway station